Being a Client Centric Company we focus on providing a lot of benefits to customers associating with us. From every department and in every situation we make decisions from the clients perspective to ensure that they always stay benefited in terms of ROI. Being an old and experienced player in the industry the benefits includes greater control of planning, design, customization, reporting procedures, product status, delivery and cash-flow advantages. Our most important advantage is that we denote longevity, credibility, sustainability & knowledge. Keeping abreast of the latest developments in the material world, in the machine world, in the supplier world & in the customer’s world.
Benefits to Your Business

Integrated Plant
Offers multiple advantages like 100% Control over Quality of Products. Full traceability at each stage of Production. Reduced Cost due to reduction in number of intermediaries in the Supply Chain. Control of Customer Designs & needs.

Economies of Scale
We see economies of Scale as a double Boon. Besides the obvious advantage of Lower Costs, we are able to offer extremely Short Delivery Times in case of Emergency Orders. We have proven cases in offering Shipment of Containers in 3 days’ time from Order Confirmations.

Global Reach
Our Experience of dealing in 85 countries has made us understand the different needs of our consumers with respect to their social, cultural & infra structural backgrounds much better. This gives us an exceptional understanding of markets worldwide helping serve better.

Being an export based company and due to our Global Presence in 85 countries you are assured of an office which stays open 7 days a week & 5 Nights a week from Monday till Friday. Thus irrespective of your location & timings you can be assured of a reply from us within the same working day.

Location Advantages
We are located within 10 hours to 4 Ports offering the least transit time from our factory to the Ports & assurance of guaranteed loading of containers on to the destined Vessel. We also share close proximity to 98% of our input suppliers, thus reducing our lead times quite substantially.

Due to our focus on innovation we have a separate team of experts chosen from each of our departments who research and enhance each & every product that we make. Hence we never deny a new product or from short runs nor from sampling. We always look forward to challenging assignments.
Looking for more information ?
Contact us to see how we can furnish and provide more specific information relevant to the products you need.